Victrix Sketch Out Their Upcoming Dacian Archers

May 28, 2019 by brennon

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Victrix has been sharing some of the work going into their next plastic kit. This time around they're looking back towards the Ancient era with their Dacians.

Dacian Archers #1 - Victrix

They are going to be bringing a new unit of archers to life for your Dacian forces. They have been putting in a lot of effort it seems to get these just right for the battlefield action on the tabletop whilst also staying historically accurate at the same time. I really think it would be cool if they could get that pose with the archer reaching for his arrow!

Dacian Archers #2 - Victrix

Archers are some of my favourite miniatures to work on mainly due to the 'cool factor' that surrounds the discipline. It's just a shame that it's normally a terrible aspect of gameplay, at least in many of the games I've played!

Saxons Assembled

As well as this work on the Dacians the team at Victrix have been busy making sure that their Saxons have come together nicely.

Plastic Saxons - Victrix

This shows off a test fitting for the Saxon plastic sprue with plenty of spears for these frontline warriors. I really like the mix across both the armour and unarmoured figures and I think this represents a nice dynamic unit for the tabletop.

You could very easily build up an entire Saxon warband in a game like SAGA with this plastic kit.

What do you think of the work Victrix does?

"Archers are some of my favourite miniatures to work on mainly due to the 'cool factor' that surrounds the discipline..."

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