Go From Badlands To Tundra With Antenocitis’ Bases

August 4, 2015 by brennon

Antenocitis have a range of new base sizes available for use with Infinity. Both the Badlands and Snow & Ice are now part of the Designed For Infinity range with sizes ranging from 25mm up to 55mm...

Desert Dwellers

The Badlands Bases would be very nice with our big TAG Arena base I reckon and of course with the likes of the new USAriadna and Haqqislam.

Badlands Bases

I like that it's not all sand too and they've also added in some other features which all tie in together if you have the whole set.

Tundra Traversing

As you might know I am quite a fan of ice and snow on the battlefield as I think it gives an amazing amount of contrast to your miniatures and looks great when covered in blood.

Snow & Ice

With that in mind these bases are right up my alley. I now immediately want to pick up those smaller bases for use in Frostgrave for my beleaguered soldiers having to trudge through the sludge at the behest of a Wizard.

What do you think?

"I now immediately want to pick up those smaller bases for use in Frostgrave for my beleaguered soldiers having to trudge through the sludge at the behest of a Wizard..."

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