More Infinity Reinforcements Drop Into Battle For October 2023

September 6, 2023 by brennon

Corvus Belli has been showing off a whole host of Reinforcements dropping into the world of Infinity for the month of October. You'll be able to get Reinforcements for PanOceania, Yu Jing and Haqqislam when October rolls around.

Reinforcements PanOceania Pack Alpha - Infinity

Reinforcements - PanOceania Pack Alpha // Infinity

The first of these sets represents the Neoterran Support Force. They also have a nickname in the media, Code: Capital. Within this set, you'll get a pretty hefty chunk of PanOceania's might with the Neoterra Bolt with Spitfire, one with a Boarding Shotgun and a Blocker with Adhesive Launcher. You also get a Blade Ops with Boarding Shotgun and another with a Submachine Gun. Capping things off, you also have Flight Officer Agnes Ferreira with Submachine Gun at the ready!

This is a great set with an inbuilt narrative from the world of Infinity and a good way to build on your collection I reckon.

Backing them up, we have more from the Neoterran Support Force in the form of Pack Beta!

Reinforcements PanOceania Pack Beta - Infinity

Reinforcements - PanOceania Pack Beta // Infinity

This set comes with three extra miniatures for you to consider dropping into the field. You've got an Orc Troop with HMG, Richard Quinn with Shock Marksman Rifle and Shona Carano with Submachine Gun. I really like that we're getting some more named characters from the lore to drop into games. It's nice being able to play with your own invented characters but I also really like getting to see these personalities doing their thing on the tabletop.

Reinforcements For Yu Jing!

These reinforcements are for the Korean Reaction Force that has been added into the heart of the Yu Jing force.

Reinforcements Yu Jing Pack Alpha - Infinity

Reinforcements - Yu Jing Pack Alpha // Infinity

This set comes with one Hwarang with Light Shotgun and another with Combi Rifle. You also get one Sulsa Warrior Hacker with Submachine Gun and a Sulyong with Shock Marksman Rifle. There is also one Sulyong Forward Observed with Light Shotgun and a Dokkaebi Hacker. When things are going wrong on the battlefield, these are the fellows you call in to sort the issue!

More emergency relief comes to Yu Jing with Pack Beta.

Reinforcements Yu Jing Pack Beta - Infinity

Reinforcements - Yu Jing Pack Beta // Infinity

This set gives you miniatures for Chief Mech-Engineer Chung-Hee Jeong, Sergeant So-Ra Kwon with Combi Rifle and a Jujak with Spitfire. Once you've got both Alpha and Beta together, you should be pretty well sorted for troops when approaching any situation in Infinity. I really like the new Yu Jing miniatures and that sort of stylised utilitarianism that you see throughout their range.

Haqqislam Support Incoming

Send in some brutal killers with this new set. Here we have the Hassassin Fireteam.

Hassassin Fireteam Pack Alpha - Infinity

Hassassin Fireteam Pack Alpha // Infinity

This society of assassins and killers are enigmatic and mysterious in equal measure. That doesn't mean that they are adverse to using some pretty deadly weapons to cause as much damage as possible. Why slit someone's throat when a rocket takes the target out and the squad around them?

This set comes with a Muyib with Heavy Rocket Launcher and a Doctor with Rifle. You also get a Govad with HMG and a Govad Hacker. These would be great miniatures to use when enhancing your Haqqislam force from Operation: Blackwind as you take things to the next level.

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