Westfalia Take To Kickstarter With Heroic Pride Knights Project

June 5, 2020 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures, alongside Archer Inventive and the sculpting talents of Boris Woloszyn, have taken to Kickstarter with their brand new campaign for the Pride Knights Miniatures. Take a peek!

Pride Knights Main Image - Westfalia Miniatures.png

Check Out The Pride Knights On Kickstarter

Archer Inventive is a pretty well-known entity on social media and the Pride Knights are an awesome band of individuals cosplayed up to kick ass and take names. It makes a lot of sense then that these characters have been turned into badass miniatures by Boris Woloszyn for use in your roleplaying games, skirmishing wargames and beyond.

Pride Knights Pledges & Stretch Goals

As part of the campaign, you can either decide to buy smaller selections of the Pride Knights or you can go all in and get The Gathering pledge which you can see below.

Pride Knights Pledge - Westfalia Miniatures.png

Pride Knights By Boris Woloszyn

Looking beyond that set of seven miniatures, you'll also be able to pick up some additional stretch goals as the campaign expands. To begin with, you've got some Character Sheets which are themed to each of the Knights.

10K Character Sheets - Westfalia Miniatures.jpg

Pride Knights Character Sheets

Stepping beyond that, there is also another miniature for you to pick up as part of this campaign. The Pride Knights need themselves an enemy and that's where Bigotry comes in. Another stunning sculpt from Boris Woloszyn.

15K Bigotry - Westfalia Miniatures.png

Pride Knight's Adversary - Bigotry

Beyond that, there are going to be a series of Adventure Items which you can pick up from the campaign as it gathers steam and heads towards different Stretch Goals.

Adventure Item Stretch Goals - Westfalia Miniatures.png

Pride Knight Adventure Items

As you will note in the text for these images, they will get added into the mix as part of that Gathering pledge that we looked at above. You can also get them as Add-Ons if you pledged at a different level. This all looks a lot of fun and they could provide you with a great warband of individuals to use in something like Rangers Of Shadow Deep or Frostgrave perhaps.

Will you be snapping up the Pride Knights?

"This all looks a lot of fun and they could provide you with a great warband of individuals to use in something like Rangers Of Shadow Deep or Frostgrave perhaps..."

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