AdeptiCon 2019 Live Blog - Part Two

Gaming Your Way At Adepticon
One of the best things about about Adepticon is the social aspect of gaming. Folks are here because they love gaming, love the hobby or both. Whether you’re a newer gamer or a gaming God, there’s something for everyone.
Love that battletech map. It’s amazing what some people come up with.
So many cool things to see
So much going on. Looks like big fun
Wow is that 28mm battletech. I never like the 16 in by 22 in paper maps for the regular 6mm game.
Bring me your teaming masses
Woodstock of gaming.
wow thats a huge crowd
For a sec I thought one of those pics was of heroquest.
ooh BattleTech.
Cool looking Battletech map!
I would love playing at that scale!
i really like the variety of games available to try out
What is that civil war game?