Infinity Boot Camp Live Blog: Saturday

Getting Down To The Table!
The big games are getting going and there have already been a few surprises. It always helps to get down to a models eye view too we think...
The big games are getting going and there have already been a few surprises. It always helps to get down to a models eye view too we think...
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I see myself pulling my laser pointer every other turn in this game
Model eyes view is what makes for a more immersive experience, indeed!
Yeah laser pointers fit in really well in the world of Infinity! Keep it high tech!
This game feel so cinematic!
Yes and all the factions seem very well balanced.
Terrain is so organised it looks like a real city. Appreciate the glorious amout of work and time spent over this tables to make them so good.
I’ve been reading through some of the comments and hoping I am mistaken. But does Infinity use true line of sight rules?
Yes. and they use a silhoutte to determine the volume of the model you are trying to hit/see
yes and no, there are standard silhouettes for every size of model, so tiny (hobbit sized or smaller) troops are size 1, standard human infantry are size 2 and TAGs are 3. There may be more but that’s all we covered in the bootcamp. So the model can me crouching, jumping, or dancing and it doesn’t matter, when drawing “true line of sight” you place the silhouette marker behind the model if you have any issues and it shows the actual “volume” that the model occupies and clears up whether you can hit it or not. As a system it… Read more »
Yes that’s what I said only with more words. 🙂 Kidding. Thank you for explaining it so thoroughly.
The templates that you can get are a erally good idea.
Sometimes beautiful tables like this are a little bit uncomfortable to play on due to the need of getting down on the action.
the last picture there really exemplifies the nature of the game there, both players smiling so much you can’t tell who won
Dont like true line of site rules to be honest and no need for them
I think lasers are needed
Get a Line Laser, it’s perfect for Infinity
Downloaded the free rulebook from the Corvus Belli website and I really like everything I’m reading about the game.
And if you like the game. I can strongly recommend getting the rulebook for the fluff alone
Yes however I don’t think Infinity is a fluff driven game. Not like say Malifaux or Carnevale.
So I don’t think the fluff is really needed. Unless you say otherwise.
This is looking superb.
gonna have to get me a laserpointer its other use is for charging dice
Gotta get down and dirty!
always good idee to get good fire lines,
Whanne win Operation Icestorm, looking very good, nice bootcamp, killer terrain
I love laser pointers.
See what they see!
Lining up that headshot
Agreed that a laser line makes things sooo much easier. Still nothing looking behind your sniper like in the pic and going “yep you’re going down”
You’re really down there in the middle of the action if you take a models eye view.
Such great table makes such great games
Looks like the amount of terrain would make LOS difficult
Getting down to the table level is fine, it’s getting back up where I struggle. Does anyone make a table that raises up to eye level 🙂
Good idea! I want one, too!
Damn that’s a good idea. Can’t believe nobody thought of that. At work we have desks that you can adjust so you can work standing but they can’t reach eye level.