The Charm Warders Ride Into The Ten Thunders Of Malifaux

August 8, 2017 by deltagamegirl22

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Players that love the Ten Thunders of Malifaux will be excited to know that new characters are on the way in the next book, Broken Promises, which is due out at Gen Con next week (yes, it's next week!). The Ten Thunders are awesome as they combine different elements of the existing guilds to create their own eclectic faction.

Wyrd Charm wardens

The next up are the Charm Warders. Without knowing their back story yet, it's easy to see they have fantastic Far East flair, with obvious arcane involvement. Perhaps these two may just be for hire with my Arcanists? Guess what I'm asking Aaron about next week when we talk about Wyrd Games?!

What do you think of these mystics?

"The Ten Thunders are awesome as they combine different elements of the existing guilds to create their own eclectic faction..."

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