Empress Preview New Arnhem Heroes For 2nd Kickstarter

February 9, 2024 by brennon

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Empress Miniatures are starting to showcase previews for their second Arnhem Heroes Kickstarter which will start to fill in some of the gaps in their 28mm World War II range.

Arnhem Heroes 2 Kickstarter Preview #1 - Empress Miniatures

Arnhem Heroes 2 - Kickstarter Preview // Empress Miniatures

Paul Hicks has been working away on a whole host of new miniatures to suit the valiant Allies that fought in Arnhem in World War II. We thought that the folks at Empress had managed to do everything back during the initial project but clearly, there was more to do!

Arnhem Heroes 2 Kickstarter Preview #2 - Empress Miniatures

Arnhem Heroes 2 - Kickstarter Preview // Empress Miniatures

Arnhem Heroes 2 Kickstarter Preview #3 - Empress Miniatures

As well as producing a new range of miniatures for the Arnhem Heroes Kickstarter, there will also be a chance to get your hands on a selection of special miniatures from the first Kickstarter and all of the regular miniatures too. So, if you missed out the first time then this is a good second chance.

More previews are going to be popping up over the next few weeks and months before the new campaign goes live later in the year.

Could you be tempted to dive in and pick up more of the Arnhem Heroes?

"More previews are going to be popping up over the next few weeks and months..."

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