Great Escape Add New WWII Greek Miniatures To Your Wargames

August 16, 2022 by brennon

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Great Escape Games has added a few new World War II miniatures into the mix for those wanting to play as a different faction from the norm. Get stuck into a clash with their range of 28mm Greeks and a small smattering of Romanians too!

Greek Military Chaplains - Great Escape Games

Greek Military Chaplains // Great Escape Games

The first set of miniatures offers up Greek Military Chaplains. You have one version of the Chaplain armed and ready for patrol whilst the other is getting ready to offer up some words of comfort and wisdom. You could just imagine him giving his reading whilst the bullets and bombs go whizzing overhead, trying to calm the other soldiers down.

In addition to the Chaplains, we also have some of the rank and file. For example, you can pick up this Ambush Team.

Greek Infantry Ambush Team - Great Escape Games

Greek Infantry Ambush Team // Great Escape Games

I didn't know much about the Greek involvement in World War II but after a quick search of the internet, it seems fascinating. Not only do you have the dogged fight to try and keep the Axis out but, even after they fall, the Greeks ran resistance campaigns and took back a great deal of their country, especially within the mountains.

Greek Flamethrower - Great Escape Games

Greek Flamethrower // Great Escape Games

To that end, it seems like adding the Greeks into the mix alongside the Allies could be a great idea. A Greek army was also raised in North Africa by the King in exile and fought alongside the British and more against the Germans and Italian across a variety of theatres.

Greek Infantry Forward Observer Team - Great Escape Games

Greek Infantry Forward Observer Team // Great Escape Games

I think it's quite cool that we got something a bit different from Great Escape Games for World War II. The nations that don't get quite as much time on the silver screen as the British, Americans, Germans and French have fascinating stories to tell and they could be turned into massive grand wargaming campaigns.

You could fight out the initial engagements as the Greeks looked to hold on to their country or perhaps some of the Resistance battles in the mountains. It would certainly allow you to explore some different landscapes when it came to terrain!

Some WWII Romanians To Finish!

As well as the Greeks, there was also the release of a new set of Romanians for World War II. This set of Tank Hunters comes armed with Panzershrecks at the ready.

Romanian Late War Tank Hunters Summer - Great Escape Games

Romanian Late War Tank Hunters (Summer) // Great Escape Games

Great Escape Games has a great selection of different miniatures to choose from for telling alternative stories from history. Heading over to their webstore and then exploring the internet for more information about the Greeks or Romanians could mean you dive into a very different army than you're used to.

Are you going to be picking some of these miniatures up?

"Heading over to their webstore and then exploring the internet for more information about the Greeks or Romanians could mean you dive into a very different army than you're used to..."

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