Grey For Now Show Off Stealthy 02 Hundred Hours Soldiers

December 17, 2021 by brennon

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02 Hundred Hours is a new World War II skirmish game landing soon from the folks at Grey For Now Games. The game is available to check out over on the Facebook Group (you can get stuck into playtests etc) and we're also seeing a few previews of miniatures too!

Demolitions Expert - 02 Hundred Hours

Demolitions Expert // 02 Hundred Hours

The first of the miniatures is this Demolitions Expert. He is armed with a sten gun, grenades, protective goggles, fuse wire, demo charge and a detonator. So, fully kitted out for a big explosion. The perfect individual for blowing holes in walls and sundering bridges.

This miniature was sculpted by Rob Macfarlane and then painted by Jez Allum. There is also this awesome SOE Assassin who is armed with a welrod silenced pistol!

SOE Assassin - 02 Hundred Hours

SOE Assassin // 02 Hundred Hours

There are some awesome miniatures coming together as part of this collection. The game itself is also shaping up nicely according to the community around 02 Hundred Hours too. It will be awesome to see the game coming together in the next few months.

Plastic and metal miniatures are in the works for 02 Hundred Hours so it's going to be a solidly well-rounded collection.

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"Plastic and metal miniatures are in the works for 02 Hundred Hours so it's going to be a solidly well-rounded collection..."

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