Hunker Down Behind Spectre Miniatures’ HESCO Barriers

October 21, 2019 by brennon

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Stack up some new terrain elements from Spectre Miniatures as you build your modern battlefields. A pair of new HESCO Barrier sets have been released by the team which are a perfect fit for hastily defended frontiers.

HESCO Barriers - Spectre Miniatures

You can see the HESCO Barriers here at the front of the image, the cages stacked full of rubble and dirt which allow you to form some pretty solid defensive lines. You could use these as a nice way to frame your command headquarters and provide some interesting lines of fire for enemies to focus in on.

There are two options over on their webstore with Alpha and Bravo packs which can be snapped up right now. It's not a sexy release but it's one which helps keep your gaming tables looking authentic.

Will you be snagging some?

"It's not a sexy release but it's one which helps keep your gaming tables looking authentic..."

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