Jazz Age British Now Available From Empress Miniatures

November 19, 2020 by brennon

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Empress Miniatures has added some new British Infantry options into the mix for your games set during the period of Jazz Age Imperialism. The idea is that these miniatures will work for a myriad of wars including much of the Colonial period and the start of World War I.

British Infantry #1 - Empress Miniatures

British Command & Medics // Empress Miniatures

This collection includes a range of key elements that are useful in making your British army for this period. For example, you've got the Command and Medic options above plus a whole host of Infantry for you to use when battling your foes.

British Infantry #2 - Empress Miniatures

British Infantry // Empress Miniatures

These miniatures come in a variety of different styles. You've got Infantry Marching, Firing, Aiming and more allowing you to make a dynamic fighting force for a skirmish game.

British Infantry #3 - Empress Miniatures

British Infantry // Empress Miniatures

As well as this mass of Riflemen you've also got some weapon teams too. Currently, this includes Lewis and Vickers Teams.

British Vickers Gun - Empress Miniatures

British Gun Team // Empress Miniatures

I am always interested in seeing what Empress Miniatures have been working on and they always introduce me to theatres of war that I would never have considered before. There is plenty of impressive sculpting which has gone into these troopers who all look like interesting characters you'd have fun painting.

Are you going to be considering a Jazz Age army?

"I am always interested in seeing what Empress Miniatures have been working on..."

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