Sergeant Stryker Revists The Giants In Miniature Range

March 20, 2024 by brennon

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One of the earliest miniatures in the Giants In Miniature range from Wargames Illustrated has been revisited. Sergeant John M. Stryker is heading back to the battlefield of Iwo Jima to aid your 28mm World War II armies.

Sgt John M Stryker - Wargames Illustrated

Sgt. John M. Stryker // Wargames Illustrated

This badass trained his men hard so that their time in combat was a little bit easier. He is a proper combat veteran and could be great to introduce alongside the rest of the United States Marine Corps. The original miniature completely sold out so this new miniature with a new, dynamic pose, is charging into the action once more.

Sgt John M Stryker Alt - Wargames Illustrated

Sgt. John M. Stryker // Wargames Illustrated

Only 500 of this miniature will be made and he is currently available for you to scoop up from the Wargames Illustrated webstore. Could this fellow mark a good start on a new World War II US army fighting in the Pacific?

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"Could this fellow mark a good start on a new World War II US army fighting in the Pacific?"

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