Spectre Miniatures Preview Upcoming Delta Force Soldiers

December 10, 2020 by brennon

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Spectre Miniatures is going to be expanding their range of Modern Warfare soldiers with a selection of Delta Force options in the early portion of 2021. A few previews for them popped up on social media this week.

Delta Force #1 - Spectre Miniatures

Delta Force // Spectre Miniatures

You'll notice that these miniatures are a bit of a departure from what we've seen by Spectre in the past. They have been testing out working with 3D sculpting and I do like that a lot of the same qualities I've seen in their traditional miniatures have carried over to a degree.

There are a couple of fun previews already including this fellow down below who has drawn his pistol and is getting ready to pop someone in the back of the head no doubt.

Delta Force #2 - Spectre Miniatures

Delta Force // Spectre Miniatures

He is giving me some serious Splinter Cell vibes and there ain't nothing wrong with that! In addition to these soldiers armed with their rifles and pistols we've also got this Drone Operators who is posed as they let their drone drift up into the air.

Delta Force #3 - Spectre Miniatures

Delta Force // Spectre Miniatures

This is a pretty awesome miniature for scenario-specific missions. I like the idea of having this chap further away from the action with his drone offering up information on where the enemy are across the map. If you were doing a versus scenario then you might want to send someone to try and take him out!

What do you think of these new Delta Force previews?

"If you were doing a versus scenario then you might want to send someone to try and take him out!"

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