Adventure While You Paint With The Vampire Of Havena

July 23, 2019 by brennon

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The Vampire Of Havena is a new choose your own adventure audiodrama which has popped up on Kickstarter from the folks at Spoken Adventures and it's a very neat idea!

The Vampire Of Havena - Spoken Adventure

The team at Spoken Adventures are looking for funding for a choose your own adventure audiobook which utilises voice recognition. The story is read out to you by the narrator and when it comes to a decision you simply say what you want to do, and the story continues its course.

This might not sound like it's amazingly revolutionary but it means that you can sit there and paint away at your hobby table whilst also delving into an adventure at the same time. Here's a chap showing off just how that might work.

This sounds pretty cool! I think this would be great for using whilst painting as you can see in the video above but also whilst you're tinkering around cooking or something too!

Pledge Levels

There are three pledge levels available to those looking to back the campaign...

Vampire Slayer Pledge - Spoken Adventure

The Tavern Folk - Spoken Adventure

The Havena Heist - Spoken Adventure

I think I could very easily be won over by that last pledge level there which gets you those three amazing miniatures from Boris Woloszyn who has done some stunning work in the past for various companies and on Kickstarter. If you want to see some of his work you can find it HERE.

The Kickstarter target they are aiming for isn't absurd so I do hope that they can get this finished within the Kickstarter timeframe. If they don't then I hope they come back with a few tweaks here and there however the actual idea of awesome!

Will you be backing this?

" can sit there and paint away at your hobby table whilst also delving into an adventure at the same time"

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