Add Your Ashigaru Command Group Into Test Of Honour

May 3, 2024 by brennon

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Test Of Honour players can get their hands on an Ashigaru Command Group for use in your games thanks to Grey For Now Games.

Ashigaru Command Group - Test Of Honour

Ashigaru Command Group // Test Of Honour

This set comes with an additional selection of Ashigaru to help lead the way during your games. The Ashigaru Kogashira (sergeant) leads the way supported by the Ashigaru Banner Bearer and the Ashigaru Musician.

The Kogashira can issue more commands to your troops whilst the banner bearer is able to bolster your defences and act as a rallying point for your troops. The musician then steps into the breach to help out and lift the spirits of your warriors. There are also additional cards that can be used to enhance your Ashigaru. You use the basic cards for them and then enhance them with the use of Trait Cards.

If you want a whole bunch of Ashigaru then you can snap up this Reinforcements Bundle which comes with loads of troops and the Command Group showcased above.

Ashigaru Reinforcements Bundle - Test Of Honour

Ashigaru Reinforcements Bundle // Test Of Honour

This set brings all of the previously released Ashigaru into one place alongside the Command Group to give you a solid core for your warband. This could also be a great set for those looking to play games beyond Test Of Honour. With command elements, you could use these to do battle in big games alongside plastic miniatures representing your regiments.

What do you make of these Ashigaru for your games of Test Of Honour?

"This could also be a great set for those looking to play games beyond Test Of Honour..."

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