Build Your Own Masterful Castle With Dwarven Forge

March 9, 2016 by brennon

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Dwarven Forge have been powering through their latest Kickstarter that will allow you to build a massive Castle for use in your Fantasy and Historical games. This is a massive kit already with plenty of design options already...

Castle Builder

Rather than show you the different pledge levels and their contents I thought I'd take some of the images that Dwarven Forge have put together and show you the kinds of awesome buildings you can create using their kits.

Castle #1

You can very easily start with a Gatehouse then move on to Walls, Watchtowers, full on Castles, a Citadel and then a Grand Citadel once you've collected all of the various blocks and sets that they offer.

Castle #2

The sets, as with most of the Dwarven Forge range, will either come in Dungeon Grey allowing you to paint them yourselves or fully painted. The second option means you basically get a big building block kit to simply pop together.

Castle #3

Of course you don't need to use the blocks to build a proper castle when you could also do something like this above. Big towers are great for Wizards to live in of course and could provide you with a dominating and iconic piece to have in the centre of your table. Also, a great alternative dungeon to fight through.

Castle #4

I'd love to see this set being used in Historical games to create a massive city that you could fight through as part of a siege. With the fact that the blocks are stackable and therefore can be taken apart you could, over time, show the degradation of the city as it falls to the attackers.

What do you think of the new project?

"The sets, as with most of the Dwarven Forge range, will either come in Dungeon Grey allowing you to paint them yourselves or fully painted..."

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