Puppets War Don Their Sci-Fi Animal Helmets

March 27, 2018 by brennon

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Puppets War has previewed the first of what is no doubt going to turn into quite an array of animal-based helmets for your Sci-Fi soldiers.

Cat Helmets Preview - Puppets War

The first set of helmets are for these Cat Designs which are just begging to be used on a custom array of Space Marines. You could do an entire Chapter based on the aesthetics of Black Panther for example.

Failing that, I think that a Chapter Master named Mufasa sounds like a great idea. They have also opened up comments to ask which animal designs you'd like to see next.

We're thinking something to do with sharks and maybe birds would be rather awesome.

What do you think?

"Failing that, I think that a Chapter Master named Mufasa sounds like a great idea..."

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