Download the Latest Rules for the Imperials of Warzone

April 26, 2015 by dracs

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Salute has come and gone and with it came the new releases for the Imperial faction in Warzone Resurrection. Now that the dust has cleared, it is time to check out the rules for these new additions which have just been appeared as a free to download pdf.

Imperial Corporation

This new download expands the Imperials faction, bringing in new background information and rules for all new units and characters, providing all you need to field a Wolfbane force.

Wolfbane Pathfinder

The release of the Wolfbane Commandos was an exciting one for Imperial players and now they get to see just how their new units will play in Warzone Resurrection.

Prodos have said that they plan to expand the other Warzone factions in this manner. Personally, I cannot wait to see what they come up with for the other apostles of the Dark Legion.

Do you play Imperial?

"Prodos have said that they plan to expand the other Warzone factions in this manner."

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