Eagle Figures Join Pickett’s Charge & Command Napoleonic Swedes

August 21, 2023 by brennon

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Eagle Figures have added a couple of new releases to their webstore for the American Civil War and the Napoleonic period. All of these are 28mm scale and come in lovely metal! We start with our personality from the American Civil War, Brigadier General Lewis Armistead.

Brigadier General Lewis Armistead - Eagle Figures

Brigadier General Lewis Armistead // Eagle Figures

This miniature represents Armistead at Gettysburg during the famous Pickett's Charge. During the battle, Armistead led his brigade the furthest and it is now referred to as the high-water mark of the Confederacy. His men where then overwhelmed and Armistead was wounded before being captured by the Union. Armistead, despite that moment of wild heroism, would end up dying in a field hospital two days later.

This would make a great miniature to paint up and use as part of an interesting diorama or perhaps a scenario based specifically around Pickett's Charge. I also think he would be a great miniature to slot into a regiment as a little easter egg!

28mm Napoleonic Swedish Command

As well as the American Civil War personality, we also have some new miniatures for the Napoleonic period and the Swedish. This set of Command Figures are available separately over on their webstore.

Napoleonic Swedish Command - Eagle Figures

Napoleonic Swedish Command // Eagle Figures

There are some new miniatures in this selection alongside some refined and updated ones. You've got a new Guard Officer, for example, and Standard Bearer in Bi-Corne. Some dashing leaders for you to slot in and amongst your Swedish forces during the Napoleonic period. Now, you just need to get them painted up and looking fabulous!

Are you going to be picking up some of these miniatures? I quite like the one for Armistead! Alas that this scale is just too big for Shay and Gerry.

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"Are you going to be picking up some of these miniatures? I quite like the one for Armistead!"

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