Firelock Games’ Tartana Drifts Into Blood & Plunder

February 22, 2019 by brennon

Firelock Games have released a new vessel for those wanting to take to the high seas in Blood & Plunder. See what you make of the Tartana.

Tartana - Firelock Games

This was a popular Mediterranean merchant vessel that was then used by the Spanish and the French throughout the Caribbean. It could carry quite a few guns for its size and this made it a great vessel for a privateer who was looking to do some coastal raiding.

Tartana #2 - Firelock Games

As with all of their vessels, this comes with the rigging and masts but you'll have to find the sails from elsewhere. You also get the card to use this in your games.

Are you going to be snagging this for some piratical activity on the tabletop?

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"...this made it a great vessel for a privateer who was looking to do some coastal raiding"

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