The Flamekeeper Steps Up To Chant In Punkapocalyptic

October 18, 2015 by brennon

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The final model from the RN Estudios collaboration with Bad Roll Games for Punkapocalyptic is the Flamekeeper of the Black Blood Children. This big bad is going to set the bad lands on fire with his fury unless gangs can stop him...

Flamekeeper of the Black Blood Children

I've been playing the Mad Max video game so I am all about this post-apocalyptic wasteland vibe at the moment. This chap certainly looks like one of the mooks that you would run into out and about in the various outpost throughout the game.

It makes me want to twin this game with the new Gaslands game coming out in the distant future of 2017. You could have your gangs fight in skirmishes to try and win themselves some scrap.

What do you think?

"I've been playing the Mad Max video game so I am all about this post-apocalyptic wasteland vibe at the moment..."

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