Forge World Craft Terrain For Your Adeptus Titanicus Tabletops

October 19, 2019 by brennon

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Forge World has been putting forth some cool terrain sets which can be used for those big Adeptus Titanicus tabletops you've been waiting to play on. A number of different terrain elements are available which can be broken down into sets and more.

Manufactorum - Forge World

All of the terrain elements they have shown off would be great for proper blocking terrain and also for creating objectives for you to fight over too. Yes, Adeptus Titancus is a game which is focused on the powerful Titans wandering across the battlefield but you need to have a good backdrop too.

Power Generators - Forge World

All of the terrain is scaled to the game of course so it's 8mm in size. This could also make for some really nice interactive elements for games of Aeronautica Imperialis too if you were so inclined to try that out too.

Silos - Forge World

Everything here works nicely to create a great looking industrial world where your Titans are fighting over resources and blasted ground which has been all but turned to dust.

Turbine Crates & Barricades - Forge World

All of the terrain, in various packages and such, as well as on some big boards is available on their webstore. This is a nice reminder that the game exists and hopefully, more will come our way soon too.

What do you make of the new terrain sets?

"This is a nice reminder that the game exists and hopefully, more will come our way soon too..."

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