Gripping Beast Working On New Dark Age Irish Plastic Kit

October 28, 2021 by brennon

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Gripping Beast has announced that they are releasing a new plastic set of 28mm Dark Age Irish warriors for use in your Historical games. May I suggest SAGA as an example? They are aiming to release them in Mid-November.

Dark Age Irish - Gripping Beast

Dark Age Irish // Gripping Beast

This new plastic set will come with twenty-five warriors armed with various weapons including spears, axes and short swords. You will also find additional plastic frames which offer up extra weapons like Dane Axes, extra heads and fringed/tasselled cloaks. Defence-wise, the warriors will be able to use bucklers and shields.

Here are some of the examples that Gripping Beast showed off over on social media...

Dark Age Irish Examples - Gripping Beast

Dark Age Irish Examples // Gripping Beast

It looks like a solid set that would work for those wanting to make Irish armies but also all manner of Dark Age forces. I like the addition of the cloaks for this set which are handy when looking to break up the silhouette of the force when it's all together.

Are you going to be snapping these up to use in your games of SAGA next month?

"It looks like a solid set that would work for those wanting to make Irish armies..."

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