Halo’s Covenant & UNSC Get Additional Support From Spartan Games

March 23, 2016 by brennon

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Spartan Games have now added some additional options for both the UNSC and the Covenant of Halo: Fleet Battles. Two new sets are on the way for each and they will be available towards the end of April.


The first set for the UNSC is the MAC Platform pack. This gives you four of the models for you to use as stations that sit on the tabletop. If you've played Halo 2 then these are like the station that you fight through on the first few levels.

MAC Platform

"Magnetic Accelerator Cannons of unsurpassed lethality were used to defend the planet of Reach. These devastating orbital defence platforms will add a new element to the game of Halo: Fleet Battles in the form of fixed fortifications that form defensive lynchpins behind which players can rally their fleet. A cool feature of these models is that it can be mounted both horizontally and vertically."

You could bring these to bear on the enemy fleet and fire a salvo of deadly MAC rounds towards them. A brutal barrage of fire that could punch a hole in a Covenant ship.

Supporting your MAC Platforms we have the Halberd-Class Destroyers which are quite small but pack a bunch with enhanced weapon systems.

Halberds Class Destroyers

"The iconic UNSC Halberd-class Destroyers may lack stature, but they more than make up for this short-fall with their bite, which stems from their enhanced weapon systems."

Not bad looking ships and while I don't remember them from the games I like the design. Having some sleeker looking ships in the fleet makes for an interesting change of aesthetics.


The Covenant are not to be outdone when it comes to ships with the DSC Support Vessels coming in to enhance your fleets potential.

DSC-Class Support Vessel

"The DCS Support Vessels is a medium sized workhorse vessel designed to not only support a Covenant fleet on an extended military campaign, but its large domed areas feature hunting preserves that are used by Covenant forces to enhance their combat skills. The best known vessel of this type is the Infinite Succor, vessel of the Minister of Etiology."

We also have the ADP-Class Escort with plenty of ships ready to swarm the UNSC and bring them down with a withering amount of firepower.

ADP Class Escorts

"Covenant ADP-class Escort vessel is an exciting add on to any Covenant fleet commander’s arsenal."

Overall this is a neat set of ships for the Covenant and certainly helps in the growth of an invasion fleet.

Have you been getting stuck into this game?

"You could bring these to bear on the enemy fleet and fire a salvo of deadly MAC rounds towards them. A brutal barrage of fire that could punch a hole in a Covenant ship..."

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