Consider Helping Out With Playtests For Gangs Of The Undercity

January 30, 2020 by brennon

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Fragging Unicorns Games has been talking more about the artists involved with their current project, Gangs Of The Undercity. The world and its miniatures don't just come from thin air you know!

Gangs Of The Undercity Characters - Fragging Unicorn

The game's miniatures are looking very fancy indeed and as I've mentioned before, the clash between Cyberpunk styles and that of traditional Fantasy is one I am very much in favour of. Darko Kreculj was the person in charge of the concept art for the game and the development of the world as we see it and then the digital sculpts were brought to life by Kieran Russell.

You can find out more about them as artists by checking out the links above but I think you'll agree that the team has done a pretty good job on creating some rather fascinating characters.


As well as the people working on the art, you've also got people developing the rules and that is where playtesters come in. Fragging Unicorns Games are currently asking for more people to join their Playtesting group and you can find out more about this HERE.

As with everything when it comes to the development of a product it pays to actually play the game and give some good honest feedback. There is no use just signing up to read them and then never put the game through the wringer!

If you've been interested in the game up to this point and want to help out more, give their website a look.

Will you be giving a helping hand?

"Will you be giving a helping hand?"

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