Heroforge 2.0 Makes A Splash With A Colorful Launch

September 30, 2020 by avernos

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Yesterday Hero Forge revamped their website with version 2.o that they have been working on for a while. In January they launched a Kickstarter to bring colour to their 3D printed miniatures and now it's available worldwide to anyone who wants to make that unique character for their games through Hero Forge.

Preview Models // Hero Forge

We have been lucky enough to be sent two models printed using their new 3D printing technology and I have to say I'm very impressed by the quality of the paintwork on the miniature if that is the right word for it. There are some print lines, but you can't argue with the quality and as Warren is fond of saying over time those will be eliminated as well. From the first concepts in January until now they've made leaps and bounds.

Look at wings on that Lloyd // Hero Forge

What has startled me more than anything else is the colour transition and the options for doing that on the figure is surprisingly wide-ranging and the final effect is subtle. Apart from the Dragonkin a Crow Conquistador also came along for the ride with some fancy tailoring options to boot.

Crow Conquistador // Hero Forge

The build of the Ravenfolk shows off another feature of the pre-coloured effect which is the metallics giving a non-metallic metal feel. With eighty colours of cloth alone you can choose pre-set colours or you can "paint" your mini yourself selecting individual colours for various places around the miniature.

You can choose from one of sixteen different colour sets, like cloth, bone, or metal and while they all have their own names there are definitely some that look like they are the same tone on screen. I'm not sure if that will make any difference to the final print but it is certainly worth bearing in mind while you play around with them.

The Hero Forge system is gargantuan with forty-two species alone and will the majority are bipedal there are also centaurs, naga and other more esoteric creatures and they all have the option to be rescaled up to XL sized.

You could get lost in the options and Hero Forge are adding new ones all the time, depending on what you want to do you could get lost on tweaks and positioning to make it as unique to you as you want. I'm keen now to build and paint one myself so I can see what arrives and compare it to the on-screen version.

What do you think about printing in colour?

"What has startled me more than anything else is the colour transition and the options for doing that on the figure is surprisingly wide-ranging and the final effect is subtle. "

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