Fry You Foes With Hydra Miniatures’ New Alien Zenithian Walkers!

November 29, 2023 by brennon

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Hydra Miniatures has released a new set of three 3D-printed resin kits for use in your Retro Raygun games. The Zenithian of their 32mm skirmish game of Pulp Sci-Fi awesomeness are getting some reinforcements in the form of these powerful Walkers!

Zenithian Walkers - Hydra Miniatures

Zenithian Walkers // Hydra Miniatures

There are three variants for you to choose from standing at 107mm tall each. You can go with a walker with Disintegrators, one with Claws and another with Heat Rays.

Zenithian Walker With Disintigrators - Hydra Miniatures

Zenithian Walker With Disintegrators // Hydra Miniatures

Whilst these miniatures are going to be good for dropping into Retro Raygun, they could also be used in a myriad of different wargames at different scales. They either become man-sized war suits or towering constructs looking to blast apart cities.

Zenithian Walker With Claws - Hydra Miniatures

Zenithian Walker With Claws // Hydra Miniatures

Zenithian Walker With Heat Ray - Hydra Miniatures

Zenithian Walker With Heat Ray // Hydra Miniatures

Sculpted by Phillip Beauchamp, these are great additions to the range and perfect for those looking for another retro fix on the miniatures front. I quite like the grabbing claws for snapping up cows and all sorts, I think the Disintegrators and Heat Rays are the best of the bunch. Turn your enemies into dust and goo!

Will you be picking up these miniatures for Retro Raygun and beyond?

"Turn your enemies into dust and goo!"

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