The Institute Head To Modiphius’ Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

December 9, 2019 by brennon

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Some big stuff from the folks at Modiphius this weekend as we learned that The Institute are going to be arriving on the tabletop for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. Now, this is the faction of synthetics that I'm tempted to snap up!

Institute Core Box - Modiphius

So, leading the way we have The Institute Core Box which comes with an array of different characters giving you a full flavour of the Synths within the world of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. This shadowy organisation is viewed in very different ways across the wastelands of America so you'll have to make a choice as to whether or not they are friends or foes.

This then breaks down into some smaller sets as well including the Synths set which gives you a lot more of these automatons.

Institute Synths - Modiphius

Here we have the Gen-1 Synths and also the Gen-2 Synths. The first array of machines were made to simply mimic the idea of the human skeleton and be able to stand up against the radiation which has seeped into the world. Also, you've got the Gen-2 models which are more human-like and find themselves diving wildly into the line of fire to kill their opponents.

Taking things to the next level there is also the Covert Operations set which gives you a pair of characters who are much more human-like.

Institute Covert Operations - Modphius

This set comes with the very human-looking characters for Kellog, A-2018 and finally Z2-47. Each of these characters could easily blend into the mix alongside other characters in the game. Are they just simple survivors who need your help or are they Institute members who are looking to subvert all of your gains for their own benefit?

I think this element of the Fallout games was always the most interesting so it's nice to see them finally get to the tabletop in Wasteland Warfare.

What do you make of the models?

"Are they just simple survivors who need your help or are they Institute members who are looking to subvert all of your gains for their own benefit?"

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