An Aequatherium Beast Comes To Life From Meridian

July 14, 2015 by brennon

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If you're looking to add a touch of the weird and arcane to your tabletop then how about this new Interdimensional Beast from Meridian Miniatures, the Aequatherium...

Interdimensional Beast

Interdimensional Beast (Components)

This is quite the insane looking beast and I love the detail that's gone into the various twisting tentacles. What I like about these kind of 'Cthulhu' beasts is that the sculptors imagination goes wild and anything goes. Every time you look at the model you see some new interesting facet of its design...

What do you think of the beast?

"What I like about these kind of 'Cthulhu' beasts is that the sculptors imagination goes wild and anything goes..."

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