Knight Models Celebrate 10 Years Of Batman With Anniversary Minis!

August 8, 2022 by brennon

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Knight Models are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Batman Miniature Game with some neat Anniversary Miniatures. A new set is available featuring the Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder.

Batman & Robin 10th Anniversary Edition - Knight Models

Batman & Robin - 10th Anniversary Edition // Knight Models

The set features Batman with his cape pulled around him, getting ready to face down some nefarious foes. I actually really like this pose for Batman as he seems like he is right in the midst of the action, rather than waiting to pounce. It gets across the menacing presence of Batman.

I like that that is then contrasted by the wildly coloured Robin who is in the midst of doing an exceptionally dextrous kick! There is a good touch of nostalgia to that particular miniature, especially in the pants department! They should make for a fun duo to paint up and use in your games.

The Riddler & His Goons (The Batman)

As well as this trip down nostalgia avenue, there is also a pootle down present-day crescent. Here we have The Riddler from the latest entry into the Batman cinematic universe, The Batman.

The Riddler - Batman Miniature Game

The Riddler // Batman Miniature Game

Sadistic and cold, The Riddler is going to be slinking around in the shadows looking to subvert and confuse both Gotham and the Caped Crusader. This miniature offers up a brand new Boss for your crews and to help in that, we also have some Riddler Followers joining the fray.

The Riddler Followers - Batman Miniature Game

The Riddler Followers // Batman Miniature Game

These admirers of The Riddler are eager to help in his schemes and will be using all sorts of different tricks in order to beat The Batman. I like that by their very design, they are going to be playing some mind tricks on your opponent as they try and work out where The Riddler is!

Nora Fries Is Cold As Ice

Last but not least, there is a new kit for those followers of Mr Freeze. Nora Fries is getting in on the act with her own new set featuring a pair of willing companions in crime.

Nora Fries & Reinforcements - Batman Miniature Game

Nora Fries & Reinforcements // Batman Miniature Game

This set comes with Nora Fries as you can see there alongside some chilly customers! They look like they are going to give you a frosty reception when you attempt to break the ice. One of them looks to be throwing a spanner in the works whilst the other is ready to axe you a question or two!

I'd say that's some neat new options for Batman players focusing on the past and the present.

Which set are you going to be picking up? 

"I actually really like this pose for Batman as he seems like he is right in the midst of the action, rather than waiting to pounce..."

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