Knight Models Laughs Along With Batman & Meets Psycho-Pirate

May 15, 2020 by brennon

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Knight Models are exploring all manner of alternatively masked individuals for their Batman Miniatures Game this month. Today sees the release of new miniatures and we start with a big set for The Batman Who Laughs.

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The Batman Who Laughs comes from Dark Nights: Metal and this was then expanded to allow him and his followers to get their own series! He was even the main antagonist in Batman/Superman which was released in 2019. He embodies a twisted version of both Bruce Wayne and The Joker and you'll note that he has also managed to twist Batman's allies into his own cronies too.

The release of The Batman Who Laughs will, therefore, get you the twisted Damien Wayne plus the Rabid-Robins who are also infected by the Joker Serum. This is a rather twisted and dangerous version of Batman that might be fun to play around with on the tabletop if you like your diverging timelines.

Keeping The Peace?

As well as The Batman Who Laughs, there is also a new version of Commissioner Gordon who comes wearing his own mask this time around.

The Commissioner - Knight Models

This gives you a grimmer (if he could be grimmer) version of Gordon who is having to lay down the law with a pair of pistols. This is a rather fun alternative for those that want to dive in and play the game with a bit of a twist. Talking of twists, there is also a new villain in the mix this month from Knight Models!


Another masked villain popped up in some previews and I must admit, I had no idea who this fellow was at first. Meet Psycho-Pirate...

Psycho-Pirate - Knight Models

Psycho-Pirate is a rather quirky individual who is able to project emotions onto other people and also works a little bit like a psychic vampire, feeding on the emotions of others. The mask that he wears also allows you to block out telepathic attacks on his mind and boost his own abilities.

So, this particular series of releases for this month allows you to not only expand on the Batman universe but also bring in some more villains from outside of it too. It is well worth exploring more of the options from Knight Models over on their webstore HERE.

What do you make of these new models?

"So, this particular series of releases for this month allows you to not only expand on the Batman universe but also bring in some more villains from outside of it too..."

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