Mantic’s Matsudan Make Their Entrance Into The Warpath World

July 29, 2020 by brennon

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Mantic Games are introducing a familiar alien race from DreadBall into the wider Warpath/Deadzone world with a new set of wargaming miniatures for the Matusdan which goes up for pre-order this weekend ahead of an August 24th release.

Matsudan Ozeki - Mantic Games.png

Matsudan Ozeki // Mantic Games

These chunky sumo-like aliens have clearly been designed based on influences from Japanese culture, from their armour down to their weapons. I've said it before and I'll say it again but Mantic do some seriously good looking miniatures when they get to this larger scale with monsters and such.

Matusdan Inashi - Mantic Games.png

Matsudan Inashi // Mantic Games

I would dive into the massive amount of background and lore that the folks at Mantic Games have designed for these aliens but all of that can be found HERE. So, if you're interested in reading about the Matsudan and their role in the wider world of Warpath, Deadzone and the like then that link is your port of call.

Beyond that though, these are some seriously cool miniatures which add another dose of colour and vibrancy to an already quite wild world that Mantic created.

Matsudan Faction Starter - Mantic Games.jpg

Matsudan Faction Starter // Mantic Games

If this faction appeals to you, it would be great to hear how you'd end up painting them up. Would you go with this red and white scheme which is tied to their Japanese influence? Would you end up doing something different or experimenting with their lizard skin?

Drop your thoughts below...

"Would you go with this red and white scheme which is tied to their Japanese influence?"

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