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Mantic Games’ Epic Warpath Kickstarter Launches!


Mantic Games is now live on Kickstarter with its campaign that aims to bring Epic Warpath to the tabletop. Designed by Matt Gilbert & Alessio Cavatore, Epic Warpath allows you to play out the massive battles of the Warpath universe with 10mm Sci-Fi miniatures.

Mantic Games Show Off How To Play Epic Warpath


Mantic Games has put together a video this week showing off How To Play Epic Warpath. This is their 10mm scale Sci-Fi wargame set in the Warpath universe coming to Kickstarter next week!

Mantic Talk Designing Their 10mm Epic Warpath Miniatures!


Mantic Games have recently been diving into the design behind their upcoming small-scale Sci-Fi wargame, Epic Warpath, which is going to be coming to Kickstarter next year. Their most recent blog post delved into the miniature design and what you can expect from the range when it lands.

Mantic Games Discuss The Core Structure Of Epic Warpath!


Mantic Games is diving deep into the design behind their upcoming wargame, Epic Warpath, which is going to be coming to Kickstarter next year in February. In their latest article about the game, they explored the Core Structure of the game. 

Mantic Games Put Out A Call For Warpath Playtesters


Mantic Games has put out a call to playtesters to come and give their feedback at an event at Mantic Games HQ on 9th December 2023. All of this is in aid of supporting the launch of Warpath which will be coming to Kickstarter!

Mantic Games Spills Secrets On Warpath’s Game-Changing Updates!


Gerry sits down with the head of Mantic Games Studio Matt Gilbert to discuss the big news about Warpath and the plans to make an epic within their science fiction universe. 

Should Mantic Games Go Epic With Warpath? Have Your Say!


Mantic Games have been discussing the future of Warpath. A lot of work has already gone on behind the scenes alongside Alessio Cavatore to bring the rules, miniatures and more to life for Warpath but on an "Epic" scale. However, with another big company doing something similar, Mantic want your say...

Mantic Games Preview What’s New For Firefight: Second Edition


Mantic Games has been dropping details on the release of Firefight: Second Edition which will get you scrapping in the 28mm Sci-Fi world of Warpath. The Enforcers are clashing with the Marauders in a new boxed game releasing later this year.

Mantic Discuss What’s Coming To The Sci-Fi World Of Warpath In 2021


The world of Warpath might not be getting as much attention as the likes of Kings Of War but there are plenty of fun things happening behind the scenes with Mantic Games for their Sci-Fi universe.

Forge Father Artificers Battle In Mantic Games’ Deadzone


Mantic Games continue their round-up of previews from their Open Day with a look at what's coming for Deadzone.

Mantic’s Matsudan Make Their Entrance Into The Warpath World


Mantic Games are introducing a familiar alien race from DreadBall into the wider Warpath/Deadzone world with a new set of wargaming miniatures for the Matusdan which goes up for pre-order this weekend ahead of an August 24th release.

Explore Mantic Games Warpath Universe For Free


Mantic Games have long made their core rulesets freely available for anybody who wants to get into playing their games, but now they've made their science fiction universe freely available also.

Missed The Mantic Games Open Day? Watch It All Here


Mantic Games held their Open Day over the weekend virtually and there was plenty of awesomeness to check out. Whether you're a fan of their Sci-Fi games or their Fantasy collection, there was something for you.

Tunnel Dwelling Vehicles Added To The Veer-Myn Army Of Warpath


Some quirky looking tunnel dwelling vehicles have been thrown into the mix for the Veer-Myn as part of Warpath by Mantic Games.

Let’s Play: Warpath – Operation Heracles Advanced Tactics

7 years ago 6

Let’s Play: Warpath – Operation Heracles


Weekender XLBS: Animal Adventuring & Board Gamers Becoming Wargamers


Sit back and relax with us for Weekender XLBS where we delve into some of our hobbies and talk more about what's coming for the tabletop world.

Big Vehicles Hit The Webstore For Mantic Games’ Warpath


Mantic Games are beefing up the armies for Warpath with some great new vehicles on their webstore as part of the pre-orders before a release later this year.

Bring In Reserve Forces For The Enforcers & Forge Fathers Of Warpath


If you've already considered picking up one of the big army sets then you might want to also take a look at these Reserve Forces for the Enforcers and Forge Fathers.

Mantic’s Free Rules For Warpath Now Available To Download


If you're interested in the world of Warpath by Mantic Games but want to try it out first then you can now download the Free Rules and test it with some models ahead of time.

Weekender: Mantic’s Warpath Renewed & Kicking Off Guild Ball Week!


We've got some mega-prizes for you this weekend as we talk Guild Ball and Mantic's Warpath...

Get Started In Mantic’s Warpath With New Starter Sets


If the Sci-Fi world of Mantic's Warpath is getting you excited then you'll want an army to command. Thankfully there are four Starter Force sets that you can snap up as pre-orders.

Walking Dead & Warpath Bundles Coming To AdeptiCon From Mantic


AdeptiCon is but a day away and as a last minute update make sure to go and check out what Mantic Games are doing as they have some great deals for those of you who like The Walking Dead: All Out War and Warpath!

Warpath Up For Pre-Order From Mantic


Mantic Games is now taking pre-orders for Warpath with a new set to get you started in the world.

Mantic Share Their December Releases For Dungeon Saga & Warpath


Mantic Games has put together a look at what's coming for December. Dungeon Saga bits and pieces join forces with some neat books for those interested in the Sci-Fi side of things too.

First Releases For The Warpath Universe Appear From Mantic Games


Unit collections for your games set in the Warpath Universe have now been added to the Mantic games webstore for you to enjoy!

Download Veer-Myn & Asterian Dossiers For Warpath


Mantic Games have put together two new Dossiers for you to use in your planning for the future of Warpath as you test your way towards launch. The newest ones include the Veer-Myn and the Asterians...

Mantic’s Battlezones Are Getting Industrial With A New Set!


Mantic are adding to the terrain you can use within your games of Deadzone and Warpath. Here we have the Industrial District which comes with a fantastic set of different terrain pieces as well as pipes!

Pre-Orders For Deadzone 2nd Edition Fire Up From Mantic


Pre-Orders for the 2nd Edition of Deadzone have begun with Mantic Games allowing you to enter their Sci-Fi world at the head of an Enforcer or Forge Father army.

Teasers For The Future Of Deadzone Pop Up Online


It appears as if we're getting a few teasers for the future of Mantic Games' Deadzone floating around on the internet...

Dropships & Mutated Plague Beasts Coming To Mantic’s Warpath


Some new models have popped up as previews for Mantic's Warpath Kickstarter. It seems like the Plague have fattened up after Christmas and the swell of their stomachs still hasn't gone down even as we near the beginning of February! Welcome the Plague Busters...

Weekender: Battle Systems Terrain In The Studio Going Post-Apocalyptic


On today's Weekender we're taking a look at some awesome Battle Systems Terrain, keeping you in the know and Warpath 2.0 Different game scales.

Getting To Grips With The Mechanics Of Warpath 2.0


If you've been wondering about the mechanics and units of Warpath 2.0 by Mantic Games then you won't want to miss this video...

Mantic Close In On Final Few Days On Kickstarter For Warpath 2.0


Mantic are closing in on the final few days of their Kickstarter for Warpath 2.0 and it has been quite the frenetic campaign with a whole bunch of new factions entering the mix...

Weekender: Chatting Warpath, Anarchy Stencils & Win Deadzone


We're back with a jam packed Weekender where we dig into some of the awesome news that popped up during the week.

The Asterians Drop Into The World Of Warpath


Mantic Games have added another army to their Warpath adventure on Kickstarter. See what you think of the alien forces of the Asterians that will be dropping in to face off against the Corporation, Forge Fathers, Veer-Myn and Plague...

Weekender: Warmachine Team Championships & Andy Chambers Talks Dropfleet


The Plague Begin To Infect Mantic’s Warpath Kickstarter


Mantic Games have broken through a lot of different stretch goals for their Warpath Kickstarter and the focus now turns towards the Plague as they descend on their Sci-Fi world to spread panic and, well...the plague...

Vehicles Power Up & A Forge Father Lord Comes To Warpath


Mantic have unlocked a whole bunch of awesome stretch goals for their Warpath Kickstarter including big chunky vehicles and a lord who looks like he's ready to smash some heads in. First up we have the Accuser Interceptor...

Mantic Games’ Warpath Kickstarter Already Funded!


Mantic Games' Warpath Kickstarter launched today and it has already bust through its original funding goal. They are now immediately looking on towards stretch goals...

Mantic Update Their Warpath Alpha Rules – Download Here!


Mantic Games have updated their Warpath Alpha Rules with a few tweaks here and there. They are now asking you to head on over and download the rules then give them a go, reporting back via the forums with your thoughts...

Mantic Talk Firefight & Show Off Forge Father Render


Mantic Games are revving up for the Warpath Kickstarter which is coming on Monday 21st of September 2015 and showed off a little bit more about Firefight and a big Forge Father Tank...

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