Vehicles Power Up & A Forge Father Lord Comes To Warpath

September 22, 2015 by brennon

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Mantic have unlocked a whole bunch of awesome stretch goals for their Warpath Kickstarter including big chunky vehicles and a lord who looks like he's ready to smash some heads in. First up we have the Accuser Interceptor...

Accuser Interceptor

We've seen this painted as part of the campaign teaser images and it certainly is a very impressive looking vehicle. I really like the sleek but purposeful nature of the Interceptor making it look like a perfect attacking option and a transportation one too.

In addition to the Interceptor we also have some boots on the ground when it comes to the Forge Fathers and Forge Lord Ingulf & Padd...

Forge Lord Ingulf & Padd

I think the model is alright but it isn't quite what I was imagining when I thought of a Forge Father character. I think maybe his design is too busy but that's just my opinion. I actually preferred the previous Forge Father characters from Mantic who were a little plainer in design.

Sturnhammer Battle Tank OR Drakkar APC

Last but not least are the Sturnhammer Battle Tank OR Drakkar APC options to be unlocked. Both of these tanks look great and incredibly dangerous - especially with the spiked and bearded fronts.

What option would you pick?

"Both of these tanks look great and incredibly dangerous - especially with the spiked and bearded fronts..."

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