Mantic Games’ Epic Warpath Kickstarter Launches!

February 14, 2024 by brennon

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Mantic Games is now live on Kickstarter with its campaign that aims to bring Epic Warpath to the tabletop. Designed by Matt Gilbert & Alessio Cavatore, Epic Warpath allows you to play out the massive battles of the Warpath universe with 10mm Sci-Fi miniatures.

Epic Warpath Kickstarter - Mantic Games

Epic Warpath Kickstarter // Mantic Games

The smaller scale and larger scope of Epic Warpath allows you to dive into some of the big battles of Mantic's Sci-Fi universe without having to break the bank or bring your table crashing to the floor. You'll be able to take control of armies under the Enforcers, Plague, Forge Fathers and Asterians with full armies available to all. If you're interested in getting to know the gameplay mechanics of Epic Warpath, you can check out the video below...

How To Play Epic Warpath

If that longer video doesn't work for you, you can check out more videos over on the Mantic Games YouTube Channel where they have broken down the different phases and some of the more complicated elements of gameplay.

Armies & Pledge Options

When it comes to diving into Kickstarter, there are four factions available across a variety of different pledge options. First off, we can take a look at the different factions and the miniatures available to them.

Enforcers Army - Epic Warpath

Enforcers Army // Epic Warpath

Plague Army - Epic Warpath

Plague Army // Epic Warpath

All of the armies that Mantic are working on will be available as part of pledges where you effectively get to choose which ones you'll pick up and battle against a friend. Want to focus on one army? You can do just that. Want to expand into a two-player experience then you and a friend can choose what armies work for you. You can also go all-in and get your hands on all of the core armies plus loads of additional troops, the rules and more.

Asterian Army - Epic Warpath

Asterian Army // Epic Warpath

Forge Fathers Army - Epic Warpath

Forge Fathers Army // Epic Warpath

It's great to see the array of different miniatures that you can snap up for the game and then some of the bigger vehicles, walkers and more that are also joining the range. It is great to see that so much work has gone into all four factions already and fingers crossed it'll be just what people want when it comes to building big Sci-Fi armies in this scale.

Epic Warpath Pledges - Mantic Games

Epic Warpath Pledges // Mantic Games

If you'd like to find out more about the game then you can head on over to the Kickstarter page to get your head around the different factions and the mix of plastic, resin and 3D Printable miniatures. You can also get terrain, game mats, dice and more to help enhance your Epic Warpath games.

Will you be diving in and snapping up Epic Warpath armies?

"...there are four factions available across a variety of different pledge options"

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Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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