Mantic Talk Designing Their 10mm Epic Warpath Miniatures!

December 14, 2023 by brennon

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Mantic Games have recently been diving into the design behind their upcoming small-scale Sci-Fi wargame, Epic Warpath, which is going to be coming to Kickstarter next year. Their most recent blog post delved into the miniature design and what you can expect from the range when it lands.

Enforcer Operative Comparison - Epic Warpath

Enforcer Operative Comparison // Epic Warpath

First off, they have nailed down the scale. Normal human miniatures in the game will be 10mm to the eye with the likes of the Enforcer Operative above coming in around 12mm to the eye. While there will be a few miniatures that look both bigger and smaller, that means that you're pretty safe when it comes to looking at getting your 10mm to 12mm terrain ready for the tabletop.

Another of the options they have gone for is the idea of plugging smaller miniatures into larger grouped bases as you can see below. This means integrated bases for the likes of infantry, walkers and bikes but larger vehicles will come without bases which I'm sure folks will be happy about.

Enforcer Operatives - Epic Warparth

Enforcer Operatives // Epic Warparth

As you can see, the larger the miniature (and the deadlier!) the less of them on the base. So your core infantry will come in sets of four whilst more elite troops are likely to come in sets of two. This should scale nicely as you expand your armies. Additionally, I like that the plugs sit in the bases properly and aren't raised above them. This gives a pleasing clarity to the bases and stops you from having to do too much on the basing front to hide puddle bases.

Plague Bursters - Epic Warpath

Plague Bursters // Epic Warpath

It was also noted that Mantic are designing everything from the ground up. No miniature is just being shrank in Ronnie's debigulating machine. That means a lot of work of course but it should end up with some excellent and bespoke armies for Epic Warpath.

Enforcer Alternative Poses - Epic Warpath

Enforcer Alternative Poses // Epic Warpath

The Enforcers and the Plague will be first out of the gates in hard plastic followed by the Asterians and the Forge Fathers later on down the line. Once the hard plastics are done, they have said they will move on to more fun stuff like tanks, command units, elite options and super heavies (can't wait to see what they look like).

They have teased the likes of the Panther Grav Tank and the Victor Heavy Tank for the Enforcers and the Plague will be getting new artillery. Smaller combat vehicles are also in the works for the Asterians. It seems like the designers are getting to have a lot of fun with the smaller scale of Epic Warpath.

Are you already excited about where Epic Warpath could go? Keep an eye on their Blog and the Kickstarter Page for more!

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"They have teased the likes of the Panther Grav Tank and the Victor Heavy Tank for the Enforcers and the Plague will be getting new artillery..."

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