The Plague Begin To Infect Mantic’s Warpath Kickstarter

September 24, 2015 by brennon

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Mantic Games have broken through a lot of different stretch goals for their Warpath Kickstarter and the focus now turns towards the Plague as they descend on their Sci-Fi world to spread panic and, well...the plague...

Plague Army

Once the stretch goal is unlocked there will be a focus on you being able to snap up a whole Battlegroup of these infected folk. The main backbone of your new force however are the 3rd Generation Plague troops who are those unfortunate enough to have survived the attacks on their outposts and have now turned into vicious killers.

Plague 3rd Gen

Plague 3rd Gen (Alt)

They are looking fairly awesome and as you might have already guessed they are going to be a hard plastic kit. They've done a good job of making all of them look different which is exactly what you need when it comes to a ragtag mob like this.

Plague 2nd Generation

The rest of the battlegroup contains models that you would have seen pop up in Deadzone alongside a horde of Plague Zombies just for good measure. I think this is certainly one of the factions people were looking forwards to popping up in Warpath.

Are you going to invest in the Plague?

"I think this is certainly one of the factions people were looking forwards to popping up in Warpath..."

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