Explore Medieval Marginalia With Andrew May’s New Kickstarter

October 26, 2022 by brennon

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Andrew May of Meridian Miniatures is back on Kickstarter with another set of quirky and weird Fantasy miniatures for use in your tabletop games. The Medieval Marginalia is strong here with another set of warped 28mm characters/monsters/fiends!

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures Kickstarter - Meridian Miniatures

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures Kickstarter // Meridian Miniatures

Andrew May has come back to Kickstarter with another range of characters that are based on the drawings that you would find in the margins of illuminated manuscripts back during the Medieval period. Those who penned those manuscripts had active imaginations as you can see by some of these characters.

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures Set #2 - Meridian Miniatures 1

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures // Meridian Miniatures

A collection of odd hybrid beasts and more are going to be available for you to snap up this time around. I like the idea of using these alongside games like Frostgrave as wandering monsters that might have popped off the page of a wizard's spellbook!

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures Set #2 - Meridian Miniatures 2

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures // Meridian Miniatures

You could also use these in games like Reign In Hell or IDOLS Of TORMENT as demonic entities that have banded together to reap the souls of the living. I particularly like just how contrasting some of the miniatures are. You have a duck in a helmet and then a creepy zombie fellow with a scythe!

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures Set #2 - Meridian Miniatures 3

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures // Meridian Miniatures

There is more for you to dive into over on the Kickstarter including some freebies for backers and the chance to pick up the miniatures from the previous campaign. I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of looking at weird Medieval creatures like the very bendy fellow in the image above!

What kind of game do you think you'll be using these for?

"You have a duck in a helmet and then a creepy zombie fellow with a scythe!"

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