New Resin Spaniards Join Firelock’s Blood & Plunder Range

December 28, 2023 by brennon

Firelock Games have released a new set of resin miniatures for their Historical wargame or piratical battles, Blood & Plunder. This time, it's the moment for the Spanish to shine with the new Corsarios Unit from No Peace Beyond The Line.

Corsarios Unit - Blood & Plunder

Corsarios Unit // Blood & Plunder

These fellows were raiders who were armed with the Spanish musket. They also had a good knowledge of seamanship and how to fight in ship-to-ship encounters. If you're looking for some elite options for your Spanish crew then these would be the men to turn to!

The set has plenty of swagger to it and I like the variety of poses. The fellow at the front is probably my favourite with the half cape over one shoulder and the musket at the ready as he glowers at one of his foes.

Full Spanish Range In Resin

As well as the new Corsarios, you can now get the whole Spanish collection from Firelock Games in resin rather than metal if that's the material that you prefer.

Spanish Nationality Starter Set - Blood & Plunder

Spanish Nationality Starter Set // Blood & Plunder

As well as the Spanish Nationalities Starter Set which you can see pictured above (which you can get in resin or metal), you will also be able to pick up each of the units presented here individually alongside the likes of the Spanish Commander. You will also be able to get Legendary characters like Juan Corso or Manuel Rivero De Pardal.

Juan Corso - Blood & Plunder

Juan Corso // Blood & Plunder

Manuel Rivero De Pardal - Blood & Plunder

Manuel Rivero De Pardal // Blood & Plunder

It's great that the conversion hasn't taken long for those looking to pick up these miniatures in resin rather than metal. Both options are still available for those still seeking metal but this should mean a cheaper entry point for Blood & Plunder using the resin miniatures they've been working on. As an example, the resin Nationalities Set above costs $99 whilst the metal one is $139.

Are you going to be scooping up some of these resin miniatures for Blood & Plunder?

"'s the moment for the Spanish to shine with the new Corsarios Unit from No Peace Beyond The Line"

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