A New Set Of Medieval Marginalia Miniatures Hit Kickstarter!

July 24, 2023 by brennon

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Andrew May of Meridian Miniatures is back on Kickstarter with another small project looking at creating some quirky miniatures for your Fantasy wargames and beyond. See what you make of this new range of Medieval Marginalia!

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures - Andrew May

Medieval Marginalia Miniatures // Andrew May

This is the third of their Kickstarter campaigns looking into producing this Marginalia. If you're not familiar with these creatures, these are the odd illustrations that you might have seen hanging out in the margins (hence the name!) in an illuminated script from the Medieval period. This means that you've now got even more strange familiars for your wizards or perhaps even monsters for you to come up against!

Medieval Marginalia #1 - Andrew May

Medieval Marginalia // Andrew May

Medieval Marginalia #2 - Andrew May

Medieval Marginalia #3 - Andrew May

There are strange hybrid creatures, devils, demons, dragons, two-legged dogs and even a butt with a face and a very long tongue. Clearly, the monks who used to draw these pieces were very bored and had a lot of time to imagine what lay beyond the walls of their monasteries.

As well as being able to pick up the new crop of twelve miniatures, you can also get your hands on all of the past releases as well. You've probably got enough to make a warband or two out of these! I like the idea of them being very odd Verrotwood creatures that you see out in the woods...

Will you be snapping these miniatures up?

"You've probably got enough to make a warband or two out of these!"

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