First Norsgard Gameplay Video Pops Up For Close Combat!

November 12, 2014 by brennon

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Norsgard are still powering onwards through Kickstarter and have put up a gameplay video showing off how Close Combat works in the game! Head on over and check it out...

Norsgard Gameplay

As mentioned above the video focuses in on close combat and duking it out in the game. Give it a watch and let us know what you think of the rules for this game.

Alliance of the Bat

The current stretch goal they are aiming for is the Alliance of the Bat Starter Set at $15,000 so if you'd like to see some cool Werewolves and Dwarves in the game then this might be something you're wanting to pledge for. I do like their rugged and rather barbaric looking Dwarf Rangers from their artwork.The Dwarf Lord is going to be interesting too!

What do you think of the combat?

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