Oathsworn Tease New Burrows & Badgers Characters

June 14, 2019 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures' Michael has been sculpting away at lots more for Burrows & Badgers as he shows off a teaser for two more characters.

Burrows & Badgers Teasers - Oathsworn Miniatures

The new teasers gave us a peek at the Clan Squirrel who is pretty much done according to Michael. He looks awesome already and I can't wait to give that Red Squirrel his highlander look, maybe even braving tartan for the first time!

We also get a glimpse at the massive head for Baron Rufus Grimmjaw who is going to be their Hound (Massive) option for Burrows & Badgers. This fellow is going to be pretty big, maybe on the scale of the Beaver and such we saw in the previous Kickstarter, so expect him to be available in resin.

You can also see the shield that Baron Grimmjaw is going to be hefting into battle, emblazoned with a crest on its front which speaks to his doggy heritage.

If you're interested in the game you can check out the Rulebook and a series of Starter Warbands HERE.

Watch out for more from Oathsworn in the coming months!

"We also get a glimpse at the massive head for Baron Rufus Grimmjaw..."

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