Olmec Announce The Drowned Earth Releases For September!

September 6, 2022 by brennon

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Olmec Games has announced a new set of releases for The Drowned Earth for the month of September! Dive into their unique and incredibly colourful Sci-Fi/Post Apocalyptic world with a new gang and plenty of awesome dinosaurs.

Corsairs Faction Starter Box - The Drowned Earth

Corsairs Faction Starter Box // The Drowned Earth

Leading the way, we have the Corsairs Faction Starter Box. You get miniatures in the set representing Jay, Mach, Jibb, Noala and Uxhi. These can be used to replace the standees from Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island or you can dive into using them as part of Ulaya Chronicles: Search For The Ancient Gate.

These Nova Corsairs are at the same time pirates, explorers and plunderers and can be used on their own or as part of a larger Wayfarer faction. They look awesome and totally nail that unique feel that The Drowned Earth has.

New The Drowned Earth Dinosaurs!

As well as the Corsairs, you can also pick out some neat new dinosaurs for your adventures in the world of The Drowned Earth. We start with a powerful Ceratops that is going to be a handful should it start to get agitated.

Ceratops - The Drowned Earth

Ceratops // The Drowned Earth

This mighty miniature adds to the amazing resin collection from the folks at Olmec and can be used alongside a faction if you prefer or introduced into games as a wandering creature with its own AI Deck. I can't wait to see how people paint this up and use it within their games.

Talking of how this creature might behave, there is also the adorable Baby Ceratops.

Baby Ceratops - The Drowned Earth

Baby Ceratops // The Drowned Earth

The Baby Ceratops is cute and could be found wandering through the jungles of The Drowned Earth. It is also useful as an Objective Marker in certain scenarios in both Ulaya Chronicles and The Drowned Earth. This is one of their metal miniatures and again, seems like it would be a joy to paint.

You can also go from the adorable to the adorable-but-also-deadly with the addition of the Dilophosors Boxed Set.

Dilophosors Boxed Set - The Drowned Earth

Dilophosors Boxed Set // The Drowned Earth

These metal miniatures have been re-mastered and tweaked from the original set of Dilophosors. They are 20% bigger and don't come with tiny arms making them easier to assemble. You get four of the regular Dilophosors and then one deadly Dilophosor Alpha. Use them as a proper hunting pack in your games, chasing your heroes as they seek to undertake some other objective.

Lastly, on the dinosaurs for The Drowned Earth, we have the coming of the deadly and chompy Yuttaraptors.

Yuttaraptors - The Drowned Earth

Yuttaraptors // The Drowned Earth

This set offers up some deadly hunters that might also be hunting you through the jungle. You get two Yuttaraptors and one Yuttaraptor Alpha alongside their AI Deck. These miniatures are resin and cap off a wonderful set of miniatures for September!

Extras & Bitz!

Finishing things off for September, Olmec Games has also put together a set of Extra Bitz that can be used for kitbashing and the like.

Ulaya Hero Extras - The Drowned Earth

Ulaya Hero Extras // The Drowned Earth

There are three sprues in the set featuring one with arms, one with heads and another with loose weapons. You can use these for tinkering with your heroes and troops across their games. Use alternative heads to make your own characters or arm familiar friends with new weapons that might be a little bit better against your foes.

Are you going to be snapping these releases up this month for The Drowned Earth?

"As well as the Corsairs, you can also pick out some neat new dinosaurs for your adventures in the world of The Drowned Earth..."

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