One Year Down For Para Bellum’s Conquest & What Lies Ahead?

January 8, 2020 by brennon

Para Bellum Wargames have been showing off, again, what is coming as part of Conquest in the coming weeks and months. We've seen this artwork before but it's worth taking another peek of what lies ahead for the game with four new factions on the cards.

Conquest Teaser - Para Bellum Wargames

Start Your Conquest Army @ Store.OnTableTop

As always with the work from Para Bellum, the range of Fantasy options is looking sterling. It is also looking very unique, playing around with the idea of typical Fantasy armies to tell a different tale for the world of Conquest.

Whilst a lot of folk might be interested in seeing the big creatures and heroes for some of these factions, I think the coolest models are going to be the rank and file who make up the bulk of your army. You're going to be seeing a lot of them so they best be good!

A Massive Range

Additionally, Para Bellum Wargames also shared a few images with us of the range that already exists for Conquest. This gives you a good look at all of the different factions and how they measure up against each other. Yes, they are pretty big!

Conquest Scales #1 - Para Bellum Wargames

Conquest Scales #2 - Para Bellum Wargames

Conquest Scales #3 - Para Bellum Wargames

Conquest Scales #4 - Para Bellum Wargames

From 36mm all the way up to 139mm...that is quite the immense collection of models. I have been very impressed by some of the characters for The Spires and, taking a closer look here, also the mighty creatures that fight for the Nords. Who would have thought that I'd quite enjoy looking at cool Viking-esque models right?

With four factions already in the mix, the future is looking bright for all things Conquest.

"With four factions already in the mix, the future is looking bright for all things Conquest..."

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