Ragnarok Miniatures Tease Their Next Range Of Fantasy Sculpts

June 30, 2023 by brennon

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Ragnarok Miniatures are in the final week of their Sons Of Odin Kickstarter but they are already dropping sneak peeks at what's coming up next. Whilst the current campaign is focused on Historical Dark Age Vikings, some Fantasy miniatures are waiting in the wings.

Druedane Brave - Ragnarok Miniatures

"Druedane" Brave // Ragnarok Miniatures

One of the first miniatures is this "Druedane" as Ragnarok has dubbed it which is a great match to the king of Woses and Pucklemen that you might find in Middle-earth. The sculpting on this first fellow is wonderful and I really like the work on the face in particular. You could imagine this fellow looking really good with some swirling tattoos over his body.

We also got a very early look at some of the Uruks that are coming down the line. These are more in line with Orcs rather than Goblins in terms of scale and with their big broad chests, they are certainly matching up to the brutal elite warriors that could be found in the armies of The Dark Lord.

Uruks - Ragnarok Miniatures

Uruks // Ragnarok Miniatures

I am intrigued to see where Colin takes these miniatures. If it's anything like the rest of his work, it will be wonderful and it shouldn't take too long to actually hit either Kickstarter or retail. I imagine we might see some armoured and unarmoured versions of these so they could be used in different warbands.

Colin has also talked about working on additional Tolkien-esque miniatures including Men Of Lake Town and "other Middle-earth types". I am very much hoping that we get to see Colin's interpretation of Elves!

Will you be keeping an eye on what Ragnarok Miniatures do next?

"I am very much hoping that we get to see Colin's interpretation of Elves!"

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