Reaper’s August Bones Black Release Is An Elven Wizard

August 2, 2019 by brennon

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Reaper Miniatures has been working away on another Bones Black release for August which can either be snapped up separately or as part of a bigger deal. This time we're looking to the wisdom of the Elves with Anthanelle, Elf Wizard.

Anthanelle Elf Wizard - Reaper Miniatures

Sculpted by Bobby Jackson and then painted by Jen Greenwald, this would be a great character to use in your roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons. She is very suited to the idea of a Wizard or Sorceress who has perhaps just left the academy and is in search of ancient texts and forgotten lore. She has an imperious and no-nonsense look on her face which makes me think it is unwise to deal with her.

Now, you just need to paint her up as nicely as Greenwald has!

What do you make of the mysterious Anthanelle?

"She has an imperious and no-nonsense look on her face which makes me think it is unwise to deal with her..."

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