Scibor Base Minis Like an Egyptian

May 12, 2015 by dracs

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Scibor Monstrous are working on a new selection of decorative bases to transport your miniatures to the ruins of ancient Egypt.

Egyptian Bases

The good thing about Scibor's bases is that they provide decorative platforms for your miniatures, with plenty of flat surfaces to make basing the models easier, where other such bases often become so cluttered they are impractical.

It looks like some of these bases will be raised up on columns, something Scibor does with a lot of his bases. In gaming terms this can be a little impractical, especially when using true line of sight. However, it does make your characters stand out (literally) and it will be cool to see how they look with models on them.

Have you ever used any of Scibor's bases?

"Plenty of flat surfaces make basing the models easier, where other bases often become so cluttered they are impractical."

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