The Sisters Of Serens Needs Your Help On IndieGoGo

May 22, 2015 by deltagamegirl22

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The Sisters of Serens is a project on Indiegogo (you thought I was going to say Kickstarter, didn't you) that is looking for some hearty souls to make them a reality.


This project from Warband-Miniatures is trying to recreate smaller skirmish games where there is not a lot of an investment. They would like to have a game worthy faction all in one box for you to assemble and paint up and get playing. The miniatures will be in 32mm The WIP look really nice and these look like some really serious women who can put the hurt on their enemies.

Sisters 1

Sisters 2

Sisters 3

They also claim some interchangeability with weapon choices between the miniatures save a few. Currently there is two factions the Heroines and the Henchwomen and they have an expected delivery date of November 2015. These are really nice looking and would be a wonderful addition to any collector or gamer, they have 10 days remaining and have only recieved half of their asking amount in pledges. Why don't you head on over to their page and see if this might be something you would like to back.

Are you a hero or a villain?

"This project from Warband-Miniatures is trying to recreate smaller skirmish games where there is not a lot of an investment..."

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