Slave 2 Gaming Release Grim Fantasy 15mm Range

July 21, 2020 by brennon

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Slave 2 Gaming has stepped into the realm of Grim Fantasy with its new collection. Bringing together a number of 15mm miniatures, both from the good and evil side of this Fantasy range, this might be worth picking up if you fancy playing some smaller-scale adventures against the darkness.

Grim Fantasy Human Woodsmen - Slave2Gaming.jpg

Grim Fantasy Human Woodsmen // Slave 2 Gaming

The first pack from Slave 2 Gaming offers up a set of Human Woodsmen who are armed with swords and flaming torches. I like the idea that this is their take on the Rangers Of Shadow Deep or the Rangers that watch the realms of the Free Folk in the Middle-earth. You could also do things differently and make them more Night's Watch too with dark grey and black cloaks perhaps.

As well as the Human Woodsmen above with just swords, you can also pick up a pack which come armed with Bows.

Grim Fantasy Human Woodsmen With Bows - Slave 2 Gaming.jpg

Grim Fantasy Human Woodsmen With Bows // Slave 2 Gaming

I am all for Woodsmen, Rangers and Trackers with big cloaks, beards and bows. There is something rather awesome about the idea of folk who head out on their own into the wilderness and are able to take on creatures more powerful than them through guile and a little bit of brute strength.

Grim Fantasy's Howling Foes

As well as the Human Woodsmen who are trying to stave off the creatures of the darkness, you've also got some enemy options to throw into the mix. The current range features two packs of Werewolves and also regular (well, not so regular) Wolves.

Grim Fantasy Werewolves #1 - Slave 2 Gaming.jpg

Grim Fantasy Werewolves // Slave 2 Gaming

I won't lie, there are some hit and miss miniatures within this collection. For example, in the set above I do like the miniature atop a pile of skulls and the one rushing forward on the far right but the others are a little hard to discern as the creatures in question.

I think the second set here is a little better, especially with the fellow in the ripped trousers (middle left) and the hulking chap (far left) who looks like they are about to barrel down on its foes.

Grim Fantasy Werewolves #2 - Slave 2 Gaming.jpg

Grim Fantasy Werewolves // Slave 2 Gaming

These might give you a good selection of options for your Woodsmen to go up against. You could either go with the idea that these Werewolves work better as a pack, lowering the difficulty to kill them, or maybe focus in on one beast being able to rip through a lot of good guys if not properly controlled!

Lastly, you also have this set of Wolves...

Grim Fantasy Wolves - Slave 2 Gaming.jpg

Grim Fantasy Wolves // Slave 2 Gaming

Again, I'm not overly sure about these sculpts but they do look like they would be neat with a good quick paint job and perhaps a bit more detail work, maybe with the use of a wash and subsequent drybrush.

I am very interested to see what Slave 2 Gaming bring to the tabletop next. They have already worked on some background for this particular range...

"Set in the Village of Armbraid, the Pilgrims that have come from the Old Word are discovering that their new home is not as safe as they thought it would be. Creatures from the Great Woods raid their small village, wreaking havoc when they come."

...and I would like to see it expanded with more spooky fae creatures and dark fairy tale monsters which are looking to hunt down the humans that dare threaten their ancient homeland.

What do you think?

"I would like to see it expanded with more spooky fae creatures and dark fairy tale monsters..."

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